Backpack-Style Water Container For Water Gun For Holi

I've said it before, I don't like Holi. But it comes back every year and it's here again. Anyway, here's something interesting I spotted at the market the other day. The pictures are terribly grainy - my phone's camera isn't the best and it was night.

Backpack  for water - IBackpack for water

Backpack  for water - IIBackpack for water - II

Anyway, what you should be able to see is a reddish-pink container for water (to be slung on your back, like a backpack) connected to a water gun (you can't really see that too well in the snaps) hanging upside-down in a plastic cover. Pretty neat and it's something I've not seen before. Too bad we didn't have this when we were kids and when Holi was still clean and fun!


Mona said...

Yep, that is a gret idea, which will ave a lot of 'running back' for more water...

Thanks for your prayers for my BIL NGAC. He is much better now!

Wolfestine said...

U've never seen one of these b4? I remember playing with one of these about a decade ago. They were really cool :) said...

@Mona: It would save a lot of running back, wouldn't it?

Glad to hear about your BIL Mona, that's awesome!

@Wolfenstine: No, never! I don't think any of my friends have either!

plumbing said...

An above ground tank is easier to maintain and repair; however, it is also exposed to the elements on a daily basis, which will eventually cause deterioration. An underground tank is protected from the weather, and can be installed under a home, a deck, or even a driveway to maximise space savings, but its location makes it more difficult to access in case of a leak.