So I was watching Dead Like Me - Life After Death the other day and the introduction sequence had this comic panel. Well, the jar doesn't actually say Contents: Death. It reads Sanskrit Dictionary! I thought that was hilarious! And kind of sad actually, that the filmmakers figured any 'alien' looking script could pass off as God's writing (that they picked the Devnagri script may just have some hidden cosmic significance though!). They might as well have used Klingon!

And a couple of days later, I was watching Scrubs and I spotted this on one of the computer monitors in the show. Do you recognize what it is on the monitor down in the right hand corner in the screenshot? It's the Windows Media Player setup screen! Looks like one of the nurses didn't have enough to do :)
That's hilarious! Both the Dictionary Death Jar and the WMplayer. I saw Ironman and the terrorists speak a sort of urdu/hindi mixture in that; and they got the subtitles totally wrong in that too.
Oh yeah, I forgotten about that! :D
LOL! That is very amusing indeed!
NGAC (hugs) boy! Am I glad to see you again!!
It's as if the animators were wondering what to put on the urn n somebody handed them a Sanskrit dictionary to look for an exotic looking word... And the animators thought the title to the dictionary itself looked exotic enough :D
@Mona: Aw shucks :) But I'm glad to be back too!
@The Weaver: Haha! Quite probable!
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